#86 - Alden Interviews Brad Lea
We are proud to be joined on today’s episode by Brad Lea who is a self-made entrepreneur, CEO, author and a leading authority on web-based training. With over 25 years of seasoned experience in sales & marketing, his thought leadership has been instrumental in helping guide thousands of today’s most effective and productive sales professionals worldwide.
As the author of the Real Deal Lease Presentation and the soon to be released Lessons I’ve Learned The Hard Way So You Don’t Have To, the host of the Podcast Dropping Bombs and the Founder and CEO of LightSpeed VT, Brad is passionate about helping individuals and companies discover and develop their maximum performance, accountability and results.
Today we learn about Brad’s background, his thought process and what motivates him. We dive into his fascinating thoughts on keeping a positive perspective on life and how he would rather be blessed with waking up to another day on this earth than making a million dollars. Truly a simple yet crucial concept which is often overlooked by most of us.